Each CD will be sold at $15 nett at the below two location, starting from 09 July 2008 from 12pm to 8pm daily. Do kindly support the people in Sichuan to rebuild their home through purchasing this charity CD.
The Colouful Faces Studio - China Square Central #B1-14
(MRT: Chinatown)
Edmund's Cafe - Orchard Hotel Shopping Arcade #01-09
(MRT: Orchard)
All the funds (100% / $15 each CD) raised from the sale of the CDs will go towards relief efforts for Sichuan Earthquake survivors through TOUCH Community Services.
Apart from sale of CDs at the above two location, 老爹 is currently planning more roadshow to promote this charity CDs. Myself and 老爹 appreciate those artistes that participate in Press Conference and also artistes who had assist us in selling the CDs yesterday at Vivocity. Specially thanks to Keely, Zheng Ning, Zi Jie, Levin, Mavis, Wayne, Tan Nian Soon, Keryn, Lim Tai An and M5 Royal Artistes, who really put down their artiste status and go all the way to help selling the CDs in Vivocity, just to raise more funds for the people in Sichuan. Thank you guys!
We hope that everybody in this project can do their very best and not just come becos of getting yourself in publicity and building your own profile from this project. We really hope that effort in helping this charity project is from the bottom of your heart.
Anyway, I believe most of you had read the news from many local papers that M5 Royal Music lost the hard-disk during the rehearsal. I must thanks Serene (SOUL's Manager) for her encouragement and advise during our sad period now. We hope that whoever found the hard-disk, please kindly return to us asap becos we need the document and information inside badly for future meeting and projects.